

June 26, 2006 – 7:30 p.m. – 4017 County Hwy JJ


The meeting was called to order by Mark Sherven at 7:30 p.m. Johanna Solms certified that the meeting notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the front door of the Town Hall and on the town website, www.townofvermont.com; also published in the News Sickle Arrow and the Mount Horeb Mail.

Members present: Barbara Grenlie, Donald McKay, Mark Sherven, Jim Elleson, Bruce Ellarson, Eric Haugen and Johanna Solms.


Motion was made by Jim Elleson, seconded by Donald McKay and carried to approve the meeting agenda as amended to add between items 2 and 3 swearing in of new members and election of a secretary, and to postpone item 7 Jorgenson to the July meeting.


Mark Sherven administered the oath of office to new commissioners Eric Haugen and Johanna Solms.


Nomination of Johanna Solms to be Plan Commission Secretary was made by Barbara Grenlie seconded by Jim Elleson and carried unanimously.


Motion was made by Jim Elleson, seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to approve the amended minutes of the May 30, 2006 meeting.

consideration of Farm Plan and home site approval, report on County Access Permit, driveway construction and soil erosion plan and perk test – Gary Cushman County J

Gary Cushman provided a copy of the perk test. Mark Sherven reported he had obtained coordinates of driveway and envelope, moved to the east as previously discussed.

Motion was made by Donald McKay seconded by Jim Elleson and carried unanimously that the Plan Commission recommend the town board accept or approve the farm plan.

All required papers are in order with the exception of (1) the Culvert Without an Engineer permit and (2) the Shoreline Erosion Control permit. Motion was made by Jim Elleson, seconded by Eric Haugen and carried to approve the driveway application with a variance to accept the driveway design shown in the engineer’s plan due to the wetland. The variance is to the site bank requirements—the sloping and the 4 feet on both sides of the driveway.

Motion was made by Don McKay seconded by Barbara Grenlie to approve the homesite location. Motion was made by Jim Elleson seconded by Eric Haugen and carried unanimously to amend the motion to be contingent upon receiving state and county permits.

consideration of application for zoning change and home site and driveway approval on lots 2 & 3 at 10362 Bell Road, Marian Swoboda owner

Documents provided included Potential Building Sites & Property Location Map, Certified Survey Map for entire parcel; Land Use Intent Forms, Zoning Descriptions, Plat of Survey of 66’ right of way, Driveway Applications , Driveway Erosion Control Plans and Preliminary Waste Treatment Systems for Lots 2 and 3. Also Deeds for the 66’ access purchases.

Motion was made by Don McKay seconded by Bruce Ellarson and carried to recommend approval of the homesite and driveway application for Lot 2 subject to the driveway easement and maintenance agreements being on file with the Registrar of Deeds and Town of Vermont prior to final driveway approval and receipt of at least 1 east-west measurement from the parcel line to the envelope for Lot 2.

Motion was made by Don McKay seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to recommend approval to the town board for the homesite and driveway application for Lot 3 subject to the driveway easement and maintenance agreements being on file with the Registrar of Deeds and Town of Vermont prior to final driveway approval.

Motion was made by Don McKay seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to recommend approval of the zoning changes on Lot 2 and Lot 3.

consideration of rezoning, home site and driveway application approval, report on erosion control and storm water management plan, driveway details and measurement of home site envelope – Todd & Kellie Peterson, 10292 Bell Road

Mark Sherven reported he had located the NW corner stake marking the envelope and obtained coordinates. There was discussion of the abandoned portion of the town road in section 9, which now becomes part of the corner of Bell Road and is owned by the Petersons but the town has an easement. The driveway will follow the farm road after leaving the old town road. There was discussion of whether there are any side slopes greater than 30%. The town road portion of the driveway has to be brought into compliance. We will need a legible copy of the site plan. There was discussion of the grandfathered site and information will be sought from the County on whether there is a ruling on using the grandfathered site at the location where it exists, or whether it can be moved and how far although there are in any case three PDR plus a grandfathered homesite.

Motion was made by Jim Elleson, seconded by Johanna Solms and carried to recommend approval of rezoning, homesite location and driveway application.

review and possible work upon plan commission "working policies and practices"

Mark Sherven postponed this item due to the lateness of the hour.


Motion was made by Jim Elleson seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 p.m.

ohanna Solms, Plan Commission Secretary



Notes from Site Visit 6/24/06

Present: Mark Sherven, Bruce Ellarson, Jim Elleson, Don McKay, Jo Solms

Marian Swoboda 10362 Bell Road

Meeting called to order at 8:30 by Mark Sherven.

Marian Swoboda explained her thinking regarding choice of flagpoles and driveways and the way she positioned the lots. She will have a maintenance agreement that will specify that there will only ever be one driveway.

We requested the following additional information:

    1. 2 more distances of envelopes and buildings from property lines
    2. easement agreement for driveways
    3. specifications of shared driveway passing zone

GPS coordinates:

Lot 2 – numbered on certified survey map

Center of driveway

    1. N 43.08781 W 089.78719
    2. N 43.08793 W 089.78762

            7. N 43.08792 W 089.78648


3. SE corner N 43.08789 W 089.78574

4. NE corner N 43.08816 W 089.78561

5 NW corner N 43.08811 W 089.78600

6. SW corner N 43.08802 W 089.78607

Lot 3 – numbered on elevation map

Center of Driveway

    1. N 43.08762 W 089.78730
    2. N 43.08743 W 089.78738
    3. N 43.08672 W 089.78691


    4. W corner N 43.08668 W 089.78700
    5. S corner N 43.08641 W 089.78665
    6. E corner N 43.08654 W 089.78641
    7. N corner N 43.08682 W 089.78677

Site visit to Marian Swoboda ended at 9:45 a.m.

Note: from now on we will send notification of site visits to the building inspector, Bob Dries at MEI, and it is specified in his contract that he will be available to attend as requested. He will do any necessary investigations of building permits.

Reid and Sue Jorgenson 9702 McFee Road 10:00 a.m.

Reid had prepared a new map showing the new homesite and septic location more clearly. He also provided a copy of the soil test evaluation report. He still needs the erosion control plan in order for his application to go to the VT board. He will likely need the next version up because of proximity to the creek. He will need a complete engineering plan to include everything and was advised to involve them in the planning. The main problem is driveway slope. We had notified Reid that we would collect the $750 fee at this visit, but it was decided in view of his incomplete file and some remaining questions about locating the homesite and the driveway that his appearance before the plan commission would be postponed to July and the fees would be submitted at that time. There are still questions about the septic location. The envelope may need to be moved more towards the pasture, and the driveway as well. A topo map would help. We will require a second site visit prior to the July meeting for establishing the final driveway and homesite envelope.

Preliminary GPS readings marked on certified survey map

Center of Driveway - proposed 30 foot driveway

    1. N 43.08265 W 089.73180


    2. SW corner N 43.08285 W 089.73209
    3. SE corner N 43.08274 W 089.73158
    4. NE corner N 43.08304 W 089.73127
    5. NW corner N 43.08314 W 089.73196

Meeting adjourned at 11:30